LAYER ONE:On the Outside
Name - Hollye
Nicknames - Hollye Hobby, honey, Carrot top
Birthday - 02-14-1972
Birthplace - Baytown, Texas
Eye Color - Brown
Hair Color - red
tHeight - 5'5"
Righty or Lefty - Righty
Religion - Christian
Sex - Female
LAYER TWO:In The Inside
Your heritage - hispanic, indian, german
Who Do You Look Like- as much as it pains me to say junkie mother
Your weakness - quick temper, chocolate
Your fears - Something being wrong with the baby I am carrying. Something happening to Brian
Your perfect pizza -Sausage and onion
Goal you'd like to achieve-not to be a slob/packrat anymore! That's a goal I've had forever
LAYER THREE:Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your most over-used phrase - "I said I was going to get to it!"
Your thoughts first waking up -I slept that late?
Your best physical feature - my smile
Your bedtime - These days that all depends on the beautiful little baby in my tummy!
Your most missed memory - our son who is no longer with us.
LAYER FOUR:Your pick
Pepsi or Coke - Coke
McDonalds or Burger King - McDonald's
Single or Group Dates - I love going out with just my hubby, but I do enjoy a group date occassionally
Adidas or Nike - New Balance
Chocolate or vanilla - Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee - Gross....neither
Smoke - No
Curse - I do, but I am working on that since we are about to have a baby in the house!
Sing - Not when anyone can hear me!
Think you've been in love - I know that I have
Want to get married - Done that! :)
Believe in yourself - to some degree
Motion sickness - nope
Think you're attractive - Eh, I'm not ugly...but not overly attractive either.
Think you're a health freak -
Get along with your parents - Yep
Like thunderstorms - LOVE them
Play an instrument - once upon a time
LAYER SIX:Have you ever
Smoked - nope
Done a drug - nope. And that is the truth. My mother is a junkie and I saw what it did to hear...never even thought twice about doing any kind of drugs
Gone to the mall - lol...of course
Eaten and entire box of Oreos -
Eaten sushi - never
Been on stage - Yes
Gone skating - use to go every Friday and Saturday night when I was in jr. high school
Gone skinny dipping - yep
Stolen anything - my husband's heart?
Played a game that required removal of clothing - No.
Been caught 'doing something' - Yes
Been called a tease - yep
Gotten beat up - No
Shoplifted - Never
LAYER SEVEN:Getting Older
Age you hope to be married - I got married when I was 28
Number and names of children - I had a little boy, Jonah that was stillborn at 23 weeks. I am about to give birth to my daughter, Kennedy Grace
Describe your dream wedding - me, my hubby and a minister...that's it.
How do you want to die - Peacefully
What do you want to be when you grow up - You mean I have to choose?
What country would you most like to visit - Italy.
LAYER NINE:In a partner
Best eye color - brown
Best hair color - brown
Short or long hair - short
Height - 5' 10"
Best articles of clothing - Nice jeans, and a snappy shirt.
LAYER TEN:In the numbers
Number of drugs taken illegally - none
Number of CDs that you own -too many to count. Brian owned a ton of them before we got married
Number of piercings - 3....2 in my left ear and one in my right ear
Number of tattoos - 2
Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper - Probably about 20 times. I was really active in jr. high and high school. Plus, I grew up in a small town!