Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Getting back to blogging....

I've decided I need to get back to blogging. I haven't been keeping a journal, so I use my blog to look back and remember stuff. Oops. Didn't do too good this past year. The past 6 months have been BUSY in our house and new things have happened. Change in jobs, vacations, new piano lessons, wedding, new pets, no job... And by far the biggest change in our baby, my tiny little baby that I prayed everynight to God to send to me, turned FIVE and started kindergarten. I can't believe it. I feel like just last week Brian and I were freaking out over the thought of actually leaving the hospital with her and being alone and in charge of her...ALONE. Scariest time of my life, but also, the most exciting. This morning she asked me about the scar on my tummy. She asked me if that was where she came from. (just a side note....she's obsessed with weddings and having babies right now.) I told her yes, it was from when she was in my tummy. She asked me if it hurt. I told her that it didn't hurt, but even if it did hurt, it would only be a little. Then I explained to her that the "hurt" would have been all worth it. She asked me why and I told her because when it was all done, I had a beautiful baby. She had this huge smile on her face...."You had me!" It still amazes me every day when I look at her....that child grew in my body. She's the best part of me and the best part of Brian.

So, I 'm back to blogging. I'm going to try and post a couple of times a week. I'm hoping that if I get back to blogging, that will inspire me to get my camera out more often. I've really been BAD about not taking photos for the past year. I'm really disappointed in myself over that.

Okay...I've got to run. K is at school and I have a couple of errands to run before I pick her up. Tons going on this week and not enough time in the day to complete everything that needs to be completed!

Blog ya later!


Sew Pretty Dresses said...

Oh so sweet! She has grown hasn't she! I cannot wait to see your posts!

Lianna Knight said...

Glad you're back :)

MsHeidi said...

Keep it up! And just gotta say, I love the Kennedy stories you relay - her personality just seems so adorable and genuine and a little bit of the Hollye I remember :)

Kim Hanauer said...

Hi Hollye!
It`s been so long since I saw that baby! (I beleive it was your shower)??
Just wanted to wish you a Blessed Christmas!
I sure miss your smiling face!
Kim H. :0)