I've got a lot of stuff on my mine. I could go on for days about crap that I've been dealing with, but it just makes me depressed. I can't even get into the Christmas spirit. That totally sucks because K really gets Christmas this year. I just have to keep telling myself that I need to be the best parent I can be. I can't control how other people parent or treat their kids. I know that I can be "that' parent. I have been called an "over achieving parent" to my face several times and I am sure it's been said behind my back a million times. Honestly, I don't give a damn. At least I WANT to be a parent. I put my child's needs before my own. Isn't that what you are suppose to do as a parent? Do I have it wrong? I expect a lot out of myself as a parent and in my own eyes, I fall short....a lot.
I am totally rambling now.
Tomorrow starts a new week. The week of Christmas. If it kills me, I will make this a Christmas that K will remember. As much as I hate to admit this...my tree isn't even decorated yet! It's been up for weeks. How sad is that. Tomorrow I have to go downtown and take care of a few things. Then K and I are coming home and we are going to get busy. We are going to make some cookies and decorate our tree. And when Brian gets home, we are going to make our gingerbread house. This year, we are putting the dang thing together with Gorilla Glue! I'm not messing with that icing to hold it together!
It's super late and I must get to bed. I don't know if I will get a chance to blog must before the end of the year. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Blog ya later!