Things are slowly getting back to normal in our household. We got home Monday evening from a short visit to Nashville. It was nice to be home. We got a few things done, but overall we just hung out. Brian and I were even able to go see a movie one night. Miss K stayed with her Meemee for the evening. I was a little nervous about it, but everything seemed to go okay.
So, while we were home we looked at houses again. Of course I found a floor plan that I really like. Then Brian tells me Monday night that we probably won't sell our house, but of the other houses in our neighborhood start selling for more, he might change his mind. Good gravy. Make up your mind man!
So, we are going back to Nashville in July for a week, so while we are home, we will be doing some repairs to the house. One of our columns out front has started to rot, so it needs to be replaced. Since we are doing that, we are going to remove all the railing, paint all the columns and pressure wash the rails. I told Brian that I want to change the color of the shutters and the front door. I am not sure he is up for all that in July. We shall see. Might also have a yard sale in July. It will be wicked hot, but I have so much CRAP that I need to get rid of.
Lots of stuff has been going on with Miss K. That kid is a chatterbox. She is saying so many words. She is at a point now where if you say a word to her, 8 times out of 10, she will repeat the word to you. She will point out things and say the word...bus, plane, duck, puppy, etc... She will tell you what she is doing. Like...I brush when she is brushing her teeth. She puts her cup and her plate up on the counter when she is done. It's too cute. And she understands directions and routines. Her "daily chore" is feeding the dogs. We've been having problems getting one of our dogs, Betty Boop, to eat, so Miss K has decided that only way to get her to eat is to feed her each piece of dog food by hand. Hey, it works and I can actually make dinner while she does this!
She also understands what to do with a diaper when it is "poopy". She knows that I have to shake it out in the potty, throw the wipes in the garbage under the sink and then put the diaper in the pail. (In case you are wondering...we cloth diaper.) She has started drinking out of a big girl cup. I only let her have it with water because she tends to play with it. She likes to pour it out on the coffee table and then get a towel out and wipe it up. One of her favorite things to do involves her bath toys. I keep them in a plastic basket and in the linen closet. Every night while her bath is filling up, she will take the toys out and put them in the basket. Then when she is done with her bath, she puts them back in the basket. When you ask her if she is ready for a bath, she goes to the linen closet for the toys. It's just amazing all the stuff that she is doing. She is such a grown up little lady now. She is also a master at throwing a fit. is late, so I need to get to bed. The weather is suppose to be crappy this weekend, so we are going to try and spend as much time as we can outside tomorrow and Thursday. And Brian's birthday is this weekend, so I need to get my act together on the gift thingy. I'm so bad about that these days!
Blog ya later!