Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Getting ready for Christmas

It seems no matter how early I start doing holiday stuff, I never seem to be on top of things. I got my cards ordered today. Will pick those up tomorrow and get them addressed this weekend. I plan on getting my Christmas decorations up this weekend. That means a LOT of cleaning will have to take place. And I try to purge my decorations as I pull them out. I've got more decorations then I will ever use. I just have a hard time getting rid of stuff. Another busy, busy week for us. Wednesday is crazy. We are painting pottery in the morning at the Factory, so I will head over a little early and stop by Hobby Lobby. I need to get some more ribbon so that I can finish making the bows that I started while we were in Michigan. They are all tied, I just need some more ribbon to attach them to the clips. I also need to pick up a gift for the Christmas party for my mom's group. I think I am going to do a cute movie basket. I saw these really cute ceramic popcorn buckets at Hobby Lobby a couple of weeks ago. They are 50% off this week, so I hope they still have some. I'll get some movie candy and a Blockbuster gift card. I'll get it all put together and try to remember to take a picture of it. I love making things up like that. I've done movie buckets for couple's gifts before, but I've never used a ceramic bucket before. I also need to pick up some gifts for Brian's work. The plant has adopted a couple of families for Christmas. Brian's department selected a young girl. I signed up for a couple different things for her, so I need to get that taken care of and sent to work with Brian so that I can check that off my list. Then I have to go downtown for my weigh in. That's going to be a DISASTER! Going to Brian's parent's house always screws with my diet. Then we have to head BACK to Franklin so that Miss K can get her hair cut. Then we have dinner with friends at Chicken Nick's and K has Awanas. That's all just Wednesday! Geez.

We took K on the Polar Express Sunday. We had a great time. She even told Santa what she wanted. She was great with him...until he picked her up. Then she freaked out. Lord did she scream. I'll post the photos tomorrow. My camera is downstairs and I'm too lazy to go down and get it.

I need to decide if I am going to make my hot chocolate cones this year. I didn't make them last year. If I am going to make them...it needs to be done this weekend along with everything else that needs to be done! I would actually like to try and get some of them made tomorrow night to take to the Christmas party on Thursday. If I get them made, I get them made. If not, I am not going to stress about it. I am bad about trying to do a lot in one day.

Need to get serious about the Christmas list. Have NO idea what to get for Brian. I think I am going to have K make Brian's mom a plate with her handprints on it for Christmas. Tomorrow if my dad's birthday. Need to get that card in the mail. I still haven't mailed my nephew's birthday presents yet. Jen...if you are reading this, I PROMISE they will be in the mail this week.

And...the Baby Gotta Go came in today. So, the Santa gift is covered! ARG....I'm rambling now. I need to finish reading my book and head to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a VERY long day.

Blog ya later...with photos!


Rebecca Jo said...

Christmas...the busist time of the year!!!

And I too have NO IDEA what to get hubs!!! Is there a web site that can tell what every man wants???

Chelle said...

Hollye- I'm going to Jill's party. PLEASE make your hot chocolate cones this year!!! PLEASE?

Renee said...

Hey-SLOW DOWN! My brother sent me a nice link. Kinda slow reading, but the message was simple and sweet.
Mary would never had made it to the stable if she had done all the stuff you are trying to do...and THEN where would we be?

Man, I just came up with that-that's pretty good. Gonna blog that one!
Copywrite Dec 5, 2008 Renee Page Graham

Amanda said...

did your hot chocolate cones last night~and man they are scrumptious!